What Are FastSpring or FSPRG.COM Charges on Bank Statement?

If you’ve ever glanced at your bank statement and stumbled upon a charge labeled “FastSpring” or “FSPRG.COM,” you might be left wondering about its origin and legitimacy. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll unravel the mystery behind these charges, exploring what FastSpring is, its purpose, associated costs, and how to handle them.

Read to learn about Is the Infinite Loop Charge on Bank Statement.

What is FastSpring on my bank statement?

When the enigmatic “FSPRG.COM” appears on your bank statement, it’s not a random code but a representation of FastSpring. Headquartered in Santa Barbara, CA, FastSpring is a reputable billing partner for global merchants. As an authorized reseller, it facilitates secure credit card transactions for a myriad of digital products and services, ensuring a seamless experience for both businesses and consumers.

What is FastSpring on my bank statement?

What is FastSpring used for? 

FastSpring is the unsung hero behind the scenes, orchestrating the smooth purchasing and delivery of software products. This trusted reseller handles everything, from licensing and activation to buyer satisfaction and payment-based customer support. Thousands of companies rely on FastSpring to process credit card charges for subscription services, software, and various online products. Its role extends beyond the transaction, ensuring the overall satisfaction of both sellers and buyers.

How much does FastSpring charge? 

The charges you incur through FastSpring are as diverse as the products and services it facilitates. The amount on your bank statement is intricately tied to your specific purchase—whether it’s software, a subscription, or another digital product. FastSpring ensures the security and efficiency of these transactions, providing a reliable platform for digital acquisitions of varying scales.

Why do the FastSpring or FSPRG.Com Bank Charges appear on the bank statement? 

  • Authorized Reseller Services: FastSpring acts as an authorized reseller for numerous companies, processing their credit card charges seamlessly. When you make a purchase from a company utilizing FastSpring’s services, the corresponding charge appears on your bank statement as FSPRG.COM.
  • Digital Product Transactions: FastSpring specializes in handling transactions for digital products, including software, subscription services, and online goods. If you’ve recently acquired any of these digital offerings, the associated charge is likely to be attributed to FastSpring.
  • Global Merchant Transactions: FastSpring is a global player, facilitating transactions for businesses worldwide. If you’ve made a purchase from an international merchant utilizing FastSpring, the charge may appear on your statement with the recognizable FSPRG.COM code.
  • Comprehensive Purchase Handling: FastSpring manages all aspects of purchasing and delivery, covering licensing, activation, and buyer satisfaction. The appearance of FSPRG.COM on your bank statement reflects the comprehensive nature of these transactions, showcasing FastSpring’s involvement in the entire process.
  • Varied Entry Formats: The appearance of FSPRG.COM on your statement may vary in format, including entries like FSPRGMerchantName or FSDigitalProduct. This diversity is a result of FastSpring’s association with a wide range of merchants and the different types of products and services it facilitates.
  • Transparent Billing: FastSpring aims to maintain transparency in billing, but the variety of entries on your statement may lead to confusion. Nevertheless, each entry corresponds to a specific transaction, providing a detailed breakdown of your purchases facilitated through FastSpring.
Why do the FastSpring or FSPRG.Com Bank Charges appear on the bank statement?

What Are the FastSpring or FSPRG.Com Bank Charges? 

Deciphering FastSpring charges requires understanding the various formats it may take on your bank statement. Entries like “FSPRG.COM,” “FSMerchantName,” or “FSPRGSubscriptionService” could be present, each corresponding to specific merchants and transactions. This detailed breakdown, including amounts and dates, offers a comprehensive overview of your FastSpring-enabled purchases.


Below is an example in tabular form, illustrating how FastSpring charges might appear on your bank statement:

Entry on Bank StatementCorresponding Merchant or TransactionAmountDate
FSMerchantNameFastSpring – ABC Software$29.992024-01-20
FSPRGSubscriptionServiceFastSpring – XYZ Subscription$14.992023-12-10
FSCompanyNameFastSpring – XYZ Company$19.992023-11-28
FSPRG*DigitalProductFastSpring – Digital Toolbox$39.992023-10-15

These entries represent various transactions facilitated by FastSpring on behalf of different merchants. The “Entry on Bank Statement” column shows how the charge appears, while the “Corresponding Merchant or Transaction” column specifies the associated merchant or service. The “Amount” and “Date” columns provide information on the transaction’s cost and the date it occurred, offering a detailed breakdown of your FastSpring-enabled purchases.

How Do the FastSpring Charges Look Like? 

FastSpring charges may manifest on your bank statement in diverse formats, reflecting the specific merchant and transaction details. Recognizable entries could include:

  • FSPRG*MerchantName
  • FS*MerchantName
  • FSPRG*MerchantLocation
  • FS*CompanyName
  • FSPRG*SoftwareProduct
  • FS*SoftwareProduct
  • FSPRG*SubscriptionService
  • FS*SubscriptionService
  • FSPRG*DigitalProduct
  • FS*DigitalProduct
  • FSPRG*OnlineService
  • FS*OnlineService
  • FSPRG*EventTicket
  • FS*EventTicket
  • FSPRG*DownloadableContent
  • FS*DownloadableContent

These entries, coupled with transaction amounts and dates, provide a comprehensive overview of your FastSpring-enabled purchases.

FSPRG Credit Card Charge – Is it Legit? 

Encountering the unfamiliar “FSPRG.COM” on your credit card statement may raise concerns, but fear not. This charge is legitimate and associated with FastSpring. As a trustworthy facilitator of transactions for countless companies, FastSpring ensures the legitimacy of your subscription services, software purchases, or other online acquisitions.

FSPRG Credit Card Charge - Is it Legit?

How to Prevent Unauthorized FastSpring Bank Charges

1. Monitoring Your Bank Statements Regularly

Vigilance is key. Regularly review your bank statements to spot any unfamiliar charges promptly.

2. Keeping Your Payment Information Secure

Ensure your payment information is stored securely. Avoid saving details on public computers and use secure, password-protected networks.

3. Enabling Two-Factor Authentication

Adding an extra layer of security with two-factor authentication can significantly reduce the risk of unauthorized transactions.

4. Use Virtual Credit Cards

Consider using virtual credit cards for online transactions. These cards provide an added layer of protection by generating unique numbers for each transaction.

5. Contacting FastSpring for Verification

If in doubt, reach out to FastSpring directly. They can provide clarity on any charge associated with their services.

6. Promptly Reporting Unauthorized Charges

If you spot an unauthorized charge, report it to your bank and FastSpring immediately. Timely reporting enhances the chances of resolution.

7. Staying Informed about Scams and Phishing

Educate yourself about common scams and phishing techniques. Be cautious when sharing personal information online.


Understanding the intricacies of FastSpring charges empowers you in the ever-evolving landscape of digital commerce. Recognizing the legitimacy of “FSPRG.COM” on your bank statement is the first step. By implementing preventive measures and acknowledging FastSpring’s role as a reliable partner, you navigate online transactions with confidence. FastSpring’s commitment to transparency and security reinforces its status as a trusted reseller, ensuring the integrity of your digital purchases.

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